ya girl Cheron

ya girl Cheron

Cheron, affectionately referred to as "ya girl Cheron”, is an over 20-year radio veteran who started her career in a small town in Michigan. Her...Full Bio


$23 million being invested for at-home learning in Detroit


Michigan schools were closed for a reason, to slow the spread of the coronavirus in order to save lives.We are in the middle of a global pandemic.But the first thing I thought about when this was announced weeks ago were the children who don’t have access to a computer or internet service.How are they going to learn remotely?Thank God for good people in the D.It was announced yesterday that Local business and nonprofit leaders are collectively investing $23 million to get the technology and internet kids need to help keep up with at-home learning.

Read more here:https://bit.ly/3ayT4SI

Photo:Getty Image

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