ya girl Cheron

ya girl Cheron

Cheron, affectionately referred to as "ya girl Cheron”, is an over 20-year radio veteran who started her career in a small town in Michigan. Her...Full Bio


Cheryl "Salt" James speaks about her divorce after 28 years of marriage.

“Marriage is so easy!”…said no one…EVER! Marriage is hard.It’s a commitment that you go in to with good intentions and something you must work on every day. I hate to hear about marriages breaking up, but sometimes that the best decision a couple can make.

While promoting the new BET new reality show “Ladies’ Night”, Cheryl “Salt” James spoke about her divorce after 28 years of marriage.Here’s what she had to say.

“Well, going back to divorce. I’m newly divorced… for about a year. And I went through a really difficult divorce. It was hard… one of the darkest times of my life because it took so long. I was with my husband for… my daughter’s 27… so 28 years…It was me trying to fill someone else’s void. And I didn’t realize that I was doing that. Sometimes we make ourselves small to fit in someone’s box and accommodate them. A lot of times we do that with men. And when I was coming out, it was a long process of me coming out of the dark part of being divorced.”

“Ladies’ Night” stars Salt-n-Pepa and SWV. Catch the premiere April 30th at 10pm on BET.

Read more here: https://bit.ly/2XSaEuZ

Los Angeles Premiere Of HBO's Documentary Film "United Skates" - Red Carpet

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