My son Kamaren Mack is in the 4th grade and ever since he has been in school it has been struggling academically. Since this school year started Kameren's grades has gone up, he's not in trouble all the time, more focused and he has more confidence and is egger to go to school every day to learn. The reason why I think that Mrs. Fitzpatrick deserves the teacher of the week is because my son comes home almost every day giving good praise about his teacher and how she helps him a lot with his work, how nice and down to earth and easy going she is. He also tells me how hands on his teacher is with helping the class to archive their goals to complete their school work and have fun doing it.
Just Monday they went on a field trip to the Hard Rock Cafe and he explained how this was the best field trip he has went on and how his teacher showed his class a great time and even participated in with Jason who runs the cafe and very musically inclined. Kameren stated as Jason was playing different instruments for the class his teacher started singing a rap song and had the class mesmerized on her talents.
Mrs. Fitzpatrick display kind, nurturing, and encouraging behavior to her students. She encourage students to challenge course material, respect and diverse talents and ways of learning and understand that every child is different and she gives each of her students the time and attention that they needs. Mrs. Fitzpatrick is a very dedicated and loving teacher.