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Congrats Taraji’ Gets engaged and he’s YOUNGER!!!!
Congratulations to the Howard University Alum and one of Hollywood’s shining stars, with more shinning in her life than her bright career, but a BLINGING Diamond ring given to her on Mother’s Day by her former Boo Boyfriend now her fiance, former NFL Baller Kevin Hayden (which happens to be a cutie pie). It’s worth noting “Some” have noted the union’s age difference. Henson is 47 and Hayden 34 both have found a way to shatter the age old saying “She’s rocking the boat”. I say “ROCK ON GIRLFRIEND”. To often woman have fallen for that age old meth that “He’s too young for her” and robbed them of true happiness when men have done it for decades. And to be candid the perfect match for an older woman is a younger (albeit within reason) man. Think about it a women spends her younger years fighting the cycle of the “28” day monster that always shows up at the most inconvenient times however gives her the ability to bring to the world the gift of life. And for men in their younger years a strong wind could give then a rise to live for at the sight of an attractive woman. Well nature has a way of shifting the dynamic by a woman’s cycle ending and men losing the ability to rise to the occasion without the help of a little blue pill. Now what do I mean by all of this. Men came up with the term “She’s rocking the boat” to have society believe that a younger man shouldn’t be with an older woman when using this analogy alone in the words of former R & B star Stacy Lattisaw It’s a ‘perfect combination” because the younger man older woman makes for a GREAT night. Pills not included. So hats off to Taraji and Kevin, and I wish you both many great days and nights!!!!! Congratulations