Frankie Darcell welcomes Pastor Princess Dobbins to the Afternoon Drive

Frankie's Nourishment For The Soul all this week will feature words of encouragement from Princess Dobbins, co-pastor at New Way Ministries International and Detroit based speaker and entrepreneur.

A seasoned Entrepreneur, with successful businesses across the U.S.,Princess Dobbins is a well known speaker and business consultant within the City of Detroit. She has excelled in using God’s provisions and wisdom to make sound business decisions and loves teaching others how to do the same.Princess Dobbins Ministry has ministered all over the state of Michigan in women shelters, prisons and even Detroit Public Schools. Walking in her purpose as a wife, mother, businesswoman and leader Pastor P (as she is lovingly known to her congregation) and her husband Dwight have been married for 24 years, are blessed with four beautiful children and are co-pastors at New Way Ministries International.

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